Handheld Tachometers Expand Condition Monitoring Options
A trio of new devices from SKF offers sites more ways to gather critical rotating-machinery data.

MTTR: The Leadership Component
Successful motorsports pit crews are known to adhere to a “take the time to do it right or don’t do it all” approach. Maintenance teams in today’s plants and facilities would be wise to do the same.

You Need Wetlands At The Boundary Of Your Plant
Think of wetlands in terms of risk management. In addition to slowing flood waters and storm surge associated with adverse weather events, they can do plenty of important cleanup work around a facility.

In Perspective: USDOE’s Study Of Electric Motor Systems, 2021 Edition (Part II)
The cited research shows that various programs, efficiency incentives, and energy-policy efforts over the years have been paying off in the industrial and commercial sectors. Big opportunities are still out there, though.

Inspecting For And Preventing Sludge
Black, gooey buildup in a site’s oil-system reservoirs is real bad news. It’s a tell-tale sign of an ineffective lubrication-PM approach that could eventually damage the host machines’ health and service lives.

Update Your Cooling Water Knowledge
Despite the fact that many top-performing plants stopped using water to cool pump bearings decades ago, traditions don’t die easily. Today, the practice continues when and where it serves no real purpose.

Commit To Best Practice And Success
When asked, “winners” in various fields often attribute their successes to teamwork, planning, preparation, and persistence. That approach can lead to big wins in RAM. The author maps out a path to excellence.

Cold-Weather Issues With Wind Turbines And Other Renewables? Yes And No.
Follow-up investigation of the Texas power-outage disaster will likely reveal that the real problems were more complex than reduced wind and solar capabilities. Expect a host of recommendations.

Thoughts On Icy Roads And Power Self-Sufficiency
The types and numbers of terrible stories coming out of Texas with regard to the state’s recent power-outage catastrophe are hard to comprehend. As this article notes, there’s some real explaining needed.

Revisiting Matters Of Power-Grid Reliability In Texas
While equipment failure modes can be studied, simulated, recreated, analyzed, and predicted to a great extent, weather prediction is a very different animal. Balancing these aspects of grid management is tough.