Appreciating The Value Of Good Stewardship
Good stewardship means people care for equipment and work areas in ways that allow potential problems to be spotted before they turn into failures or unplanned downtime.

Understand Why 70% Of Bearings Fail Due To Ineffective Maintenance
A bearing’s fate is always in the hands of the Maintenance department. Ensuring the 5 Rights of Lubrication is an effective way to help bearings live long and well.

Part IV, The Possibilities Of Probability: In Non-Linear Failure Curves And RUL
Mechanical equipment fails in a “natural log” hazard curve. Resistance to failure decreases or the possibility of failure increases, as time or cycles progress to functional failure.

Oil Mist And Its Role In Protecting Equipment
According to the author, the secret to effective storage preservation is not a secret at all. Best-in-class facilities have been using oil-mist technology in this manner for decades.

CAPEX Best Practices: 6 Golden Rules To Keep Large Industrial Projects On Track
Managing CAPEX projects is a highly complex process. The important “rules” discussed in this article can help ensure that an organization’s projects deliver on their full potential.

New Technologies Introduce New Failure Concerns
Beware and be prepared: Whether diagnostic or operational, new technologies bring new failure modes and new maintenance and spare-parts requirements into a plant. Plan accordingly.

Aligning Perception And Perspective To Improve Asset Management
In the absence of clarity and process, the perception of those requesting maintenance is frequently allowed to overrule perspective. That, in turn, can fuel poor maintenance-decision-making.

IR Inspections Of Process Furnace/Heater Tubes
Under the right circumstances, infrared thermography can generate crucial data on in-service tubes. That said, this type of inspection is one of the most difficult for a thermographer.

Priorities (Part 2): Work On The Reliability Process
Sites that have first identified and picked “low-hanging fruit” and then gone further have prospered. Stopping at the lowest “fruit” layer, though, and not remedying the next problems is bad business.

Part III, The Possibilities Of Probability: In Failure Curves And RUL
Reliability and predictive-maintenance specialists are often asked, “How long will it last?” Understanding certain methods and levels of probability could lead to better answers.