Machine Specific Storage Preservation Strategies
This article, based on a chapter in one of the author’s books, provides guidance on “old style” protection of several types of plant equipment when oil-mist protection (a better, more advanced solution) is unavailable.

Part 3: What’s Behind MCSA And ESA Anyways?
Techniques discussed in this 3-part article involve spectra and expert-system analysis used in various data methodologies. Understanding them in terms of device capabilities can help users select the righ testing tool.

Tips For Better Infrared Inspections
Like any visual inspection technique, a thermographer must actively concentrate on the imagery displayed by his or her thermal imager. Accurate temperature measurements are also key.

Customer Success Story: Petrochemical Complex Realizes 72% Maintenance Productivity Improvement
The large U.S. Gulf Coast operation in the case study was targeting a 20% reduction in its maintenance-labor costs. With T.A. Cook’s assistance, the results were much better. Significantly better, that is.

One Candle Can Light Others: Looking Within During The Storm
Staffing woes got you down? Perk up. This is an ideal time to grow your own; recruit from within; identify reliable employees who know how to work in your plant and can learn new skills.

Part 2: What’s Behind MCSA And ESA Anyways?
Part 1 focused on a simple data-processing method to make raw look like something on a motor-testing device. Sharpening that data helps determine severity of problems/conditions.

EAM/ERP Upgrade Or Just A ‘Lift And Shift’ (Part 3): Configuring For Industry 4.0 To Industry X.0
If humans struggle to extract crucial information from an existing EAM/ERP, so will Industry 4.0 technologies and any that follow. A serious overhaul may be needed to achieve business goals.

The Case For Machine And Lube Upgrades
Many machines are still purchased with initial cost as the primary (if not only) criterion. They’re upgrade candidates. Upgrading the lube-application method, though, often depends on the OEM.

Achieving Life-Cycle Energy Efficiency: It’s No Longer A Choice
In today’s world, energy efficiency is mandatory. Maintenance departments can and must do more as part of corporate conservation efforts. And they’re in an excellent position to do it.

What Is ‘Standard Work?’ (We All Have Opinions)
Establishing consistent work practices to drive out human variation is crucial in achieving, improving, and/or sustaining equipment reliability. Opinions can interfere in getting that done.