Reliability & Maintenance Opportunities: (Part 6) Steam Systems
Manufacturers are said to be spending over $21 billion per year to fuel boilers that provide steam for U.S. industrial operations. Bottom line? Plants really can’t afford to ignore the health and efficiency of these systems.

Strategic Planning For Workforce Development: Rethink Rewards, Recognition, Compensation
The post-pandemic development of new work and workers must go beyond building new skills and knowledge. The human need for rewards, recognition, and financial compensation for accomplishments must be considered.

Counting Interventions Instead Of MTBF
The above title sums up a good example of “thinking outside the box.” The article’s author goes on to share several other examples, along with some good news on a related technology-development front.

High-Speed-Process Thermal Images, Edge To Edge
Fluke Process Instrument’s MP Linescanner Series imagers “see it all,” accurately and continuously.

Keep In Mind That Context Matters
Context influences the meaning of information. A lack of it can distort the true picture of an issue or situation. That type of distortion can have an enormous impact on process-plant operations.

The Reality Of ‘What Gets Measured Gets Done’
The adage in this article’s title could be a bit more precise. Sadly, with lagging indicators the norm in many plants, what’s measured may really be a rear-view-mirror optic. Looking ahead is a better strategy.

Thermal Imaging Basics & A Calibration Tip
Given the features and capabilities of today’s sophisticated thermal-imaging technologies, those who use them could easily forget the basics. Remembering them can greatly improve infrared inspections.

Strategic Planning For Workforce Development: Rethinking Is Required On All Fronts
The post-pandemic workforce can be shaped into the most productive, positive, and enthusiastic group of employees ever. But top-management and front-line leaders will need to think in new ways.

Reliability & Maintenance Opportunities: (Part 5) Leveraging Industrial Assessment Center Productivity And Energy Tools
Energy, process, reliability, and waste stream are entwined in a plant. Improvements in one of these areas can lead to improvements in the others. Free IAC resources support such efforts.

Strategic Planning For Workforce Development
Returning to normal plant operations post-pandemic could be tricky given today’s workforce shortages, skills shortages, and supply-chain woes. Our “new normal” calls for plenty of new thinking.