Compressed Air Systems: Low-Hanging Fruit In Energy Savings And Reduced GHG Impacts
It’s estimated that a typical industrial site uses 10% of its electricity just to operate compressed-air systems. That’s lots of waste. Simple, proactive steps can help your site do better. Much better.

Investigating Software As A Service For Maintenance
The bad news: Your maintenance department’s existing CMMS could be failing to meet the organization’s current and future demands for any number of reasons. The good news: You have options.

What’s So ‘Smart’ About A Smart Grid?
While some industry experts were referring to the U.S. power grid as “smart” in the mid-90s, the term really didn’t catch on until 2007. Actual development of the smart grid, however, has taken longer.

The Basics Of Reliability: Whose Job Is It?
High-performing, low-cost, competitive operations depend on high-performing equipment assets. Changes in the workplace and workforce, though, can often make that a difficult proposition.

Use Only ‘Oil Resistant’ Cable Terminations
Oil resistance can be an important consideration in the terminal boxes of oil-mist-lubricated electric motors. The wrong type of cable terminations can drastically shorten the life of those motors’ windings.

Exploring The ‘Adjacent Possible’ In Your Maintenance Environment
Workplaces, networks, and habits often suppress innovation and relevant change. This column explains an approach that can release a maintenance team from the “we’ve always done it this way” trap.

Leading Indicators For Asset Management: OELE (Overall Electrical Effectiveness)
Leading indicators like OELE help drive proactive plant-floor behaviors. The intent of this particular metric is to ensure electrical pathways in plant equipment are balanced, aligned, and unrestricted.

July 4th And The Flags Of The USA
This multi-tasking author isn’t just a respected RAM pro. Among many other things, he seriously pursues his passion for flags and their history. This article delivers a short, non-work-related history lesson.

Thoughts On Electrical Reliability In A Green Economy
Given the rate of technological advances, the future state of electrical reliability will be somewhat different than the current state. So will the levels of knowledge and skills to ensure that reliability.

Avoiding Pump-Piping Mistakes
To get piping right, distinctions must be made between implementation tasks assigned to pipe fitters and the reliability-focused engineering tasks that are assigned to actual piping designers.