5 Ways To Improve The Business Impact Of STO Events
Is a scheduled shutdown/turnaround/outage (STO) in your future? Planning for these complex events is crucial and not just because of the work that is to be done. Think beyond that. Far beyond.

The New Teamwork: Automation, Robots, And People
While massive plant overhauls can be costly and time consuming, many operations find automation and robotics to be affordable and beneficial in select applications. Humans are still on the team.

Leaders Allocate Time For Technology Updates
Conscientious reliability professionals will take advantage of books, articles, editorial columns, conference proceedings, vendor-organized training sessions, courses, and plain old “unanticipated opportunities.”

Electric-Motor Repair: Reliability, Energy, Lifecycle
A poorly repaired motor can be a nightmare for any number of reasons. The author offers advice to help end-user customers get the levels of quality they want and expect out of repair shops.

RAM Pros Can No Longer Ignore ESG Performance
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance is not just a C-suite issue. It’s also a plant-floor concern. Success in this area calls for the knowledge and skills of RAM professionals.

Some In The Press Are (Again) Needlessly Beating Up On Manufacturing
What’s new? Despite producing a significant percentage of the U.S. gross domestic product, the manufacturing sector is often disrespected. This week’s newsletter columnist opines on the latest hits.

Lagging Metrics For Asset Management: OEE’s Third Element (Quality)
Poor performance on Quality can be quite costly. This article, the final installment of a 12-part series, discusses the problem and solutions for it in terms of real-world Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

When Machines Fail, More Than One Problem Could Be At Work
Taking chances with process machinery can be costly. Very costly. As the author points out, allowing deviations to exist, accumulate, and become the “new normal” is a risk few plants can afford.

Agile Maintenance: The Next Best Practice
Most businesses (and maintenance departments) have had to adapt to a new reality over the past few years. The difference between flourishing and perishing may boil down to an organization’s agility.

A Novel Approach To Physical-Asset Management
General practice, even among some reliability and maintenance pros, is to hold physical-asset management as a separate entity. There can, however, be real benefits in tying it to other plant programs.