Comprehensive Corrosion & Erosion Monitoring
Emerson’s fully integrated software and service suite tackles an enormous risk in today’s process operations.

Evaluation Of Medium And High Voltage Machines With Motor Circuit Analysis (MCA)
Use of MCA technologies in industrial PdM and motor-diagnostics programs has been on the rise since the mid-80s. This article examines the technologies’ application on 4,160V induction and 13.8 kV synchronous motors.

IR Inspection: Measuring & Compensating For Reflected Temperature
Infrared temperature measurement is subject to a variety of error sources, including errors due to reflection. With some infrared energy always reflected from a measured object’s surface, those are a given.

Cage Materials For Angular Contact Ball Bearings
RAM professionals know that all bearings aren’t created equal. Nor are bearing cages and their materials of construction. The author offers a short refresher on what’s what and why it’s so important to know.

Taking Pride In Our Tools, Old And New
The tools of our trade, regardless of what they are and what we do with them to ensure equipment reliability, aren’t only important to us. They’re important to pass along as learning tools for future generations of RAM pros.

The Interdependent Elements Of Equipment Reliability
Think of the little spark plug as a good analogy for improvement efforts and teamwork in a plant. One of some 30,000 parts in car or truck, if it fails to perform as intended with those other parts, so could the vehicle.

In Perspective: USDOE’s Study Of Electric Motor Systems, 2021 Edition (Part III)
This article wraps up a series about the latest edition of an important motor-market assessment. Focusing on Volume 1 of the study’s report, it points to some notable changes that have occurred since release of the 1996 edition.

You’ve Got To Coach Up To Achieve Precision Maintenance
Reliability comes down to people employing tools and materials to effectively execute maintenance plans. While this is the essence of precision maintenance, actual work execution is where the rubber meets the road.

Better Safe Than Sorry With Pressurized Fluids
RAM professionals know that safety throughout the workplace is crucial. But they, like other plant personnel, may not be fully versed on high-pressure-injection hazards, nor how devastating, even lethal, they can be.

Understand ‘Beta Ratio’ And ‘Beta Efficiency’ In Terms Of Fluid Filtration
Beta Ratio is a measure of a filter’s efficiency. The higher the Beta Ratio, the higher the Beta Efficiency. This article goes through relevant calculations and explains why RAM pros should know how to run these numbers.