Taking Reliability Engineering Up A Notch
The final choice of any product offering is up to the buyer. Thus end-users/purchasers of plant-equipment systems must educate themselves. Unless they insist on quality, they may not get it.

Strategic Planning For Workforce Development: Competency Building
Workforce “training” doesn’t necessarily build crucial competency. Conversely, workforce-development efforts with a strategic intent to build employee competence will always benefit a business.

Question: Should You Invent A Crisis Before You Actually Face One?
Transformation to a high-reliability organization requires change, as well as the assumption of risk. Inventing the perception of a crisis could help achieve the sense of urgency to take the risk.

Reliability & Maintenance Opportunities: (Part 7) Using The P-F Curve And Maintenance Data In Reliability Engineering
With reliability engineering making enormous strides over the past 20 years, use of the P-F Curve as a technology-sales tool has become increasingly widespread. As the author explains, that wasn’t the intent.

Selling Your Project To Management
Nobody will tell you that selling maintenance to management is easy. Taking an engineered approach to it, and following some basic, common-sense principles, though, can make it hard for management to say “no.”

Look Closer At Modular Reed Valves For Reciprocating Compressors
Granted, new valve designs aren’t entering the marketplace very often. Some designs, however, will find new uses over time. In this case, that type of evolution has paid off well for downstream applications.

Cut Costs With Risk-Based Inspections
As technologies have evolved, so have approaches to inspections of static equipment. Those based on risk, as opposed to time, are powerful tools that can deliver major benefits for today’s operations.

Embracing Today’s Best Multi-Tool
The ubiquitous smartphone: Everybody seems to be packing one of these powerful, feature-rich devices. But, as the author contends, their capabilities are being underutilized in the maintenance arena.

First-Ever Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Flowmeters
ABB’s flowmeters with Ethernet connectivity open a new chapter in instrumentation and industrial communication.

As A Metric, ‘Average’ Can Be A Dangerous Number
When it comes to KPIs, remember that MTBF and MTTF represent the “average” of several observations. While these metrics are useful for trending purposes, if not well understood, they can be misleading.