The Right Steam Traps Save Money
The lowly steam trap is crucial to system reliability and efficiency. But traps differ. Converting to superior designs can be a savvy move for sites that are serious about their steam.

Eliminate Contamination: A Two-Part Strategy
Lubricant contamination, which comes in various forms, from various sources, is a bona fide machine killer. Sites that depend on lubricated equipment ignore it at their peril. The author lays out a plan.

World To Oil & Gas: ‘Reduce Your Climate Impacts’ (So, How Can Today’s RAM Pros Help?)
Those slugging away in the RAM trenches can’t solve industry’s entire greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions problem. But by thinking globally and acting locally, they can be a big part of the solution.

Reliability & Maintenance Opportunities: (Part 8) Taking A Look At The Bigger Picture
It’s very human to identify and correct a problem, then move on, even though said problem may actually be a symptom of a larger issue. That approach doesn’t work very well in industrial operations.

Let’s Make Industrial Training Work
Industrial “training” in the U.S. often misses the mark. That’s bad news for workers and employers alike. This article highlights good news: successful approaches to a tough workforce dilemma.

Revisiting 50 Years Of Diaphragm Couplings
Originating in aircraft applications, diaphragm couplings have been evolving since the 1950s. Now used across industry, they rank among the most reliable components in modern fluid machines.

‘If We Train Them, They Will Leave. . .’
Enough with the excuses. As the author puts it, an untrained workforce is dangerous, costly, and inexcusable, especially when skill sets that improve safety, quality, and reliability are lacking.

Edge Software Enables Advanced Machine Analytics
Emerson’s new PACEdge platform makes data and analytics accessible from machine level to enterprise

Leading Indicators For Asset Management: OIE (Overall Inspection Effectiveness)
Patterned after the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) metric, OIE is an elegant leading indicator. And it’s been proven to drive proactive behaviors in plants and facilities, time and again.

Energy & Reliability With A Neutral Harmonic Filter
The author admits to being a bit skeptical about an opportunity to test a certain technology and its impact on energy and reliability in a real-world setting. The results of his research were enlightening.