Lagging Indicators For Asset Management: MTBF/MTTF (Mean Time Between/To Failure), Part 1
His series on leading indicators out of the way, the author now takes on lagging metrics. In asset-performance terms, think of leading indicators as the cause and lagging ones as the effect.

Take Advantage Of A ‘First Alert’ Notification
A “First Alert” program can generate big dividends for maintenance departments and corporate bottom lines. Catching and correcting potential failures in their earliest stages is a huge win.

Are RAM-Related Technical Books Ever Outdated?
Reading really is fundamental, and, as the author often notes, crucial for RAM professionals. Here, he discusses how technical books and good authors stand the test of time.

Smart, Ruggedized, Fixed-Mount Thermal Imagers
Tough new Teledgyne Flir cameras look to protect assets, improve safety, boost uptime, minimize maintenance.

Youth Apprenticeships Help Address Skills Gaps
This author has talked and written about it for years: that the skills crisis would be getting worse before it got worse. Sadly, it did and has. The good news is we have workable solutions.

Lubrication Misunderstood: The Cost Is High
Verifying that a stated concern is or is not valid should be a priority in every reliability-focused organization. As the article notes, mere statements of concern shouldn’t stand in the way of progress.

Is Your Plant Disaster Prepared?
The importance of an up-to-date Emergency Response Plan (ERP) can’t be overstated. Taking some proactive measures now regarding your site’s ERP could help save lives and livelihoods later.

Part I: Machine Learning (ML) With Raw Electric Motor Data
Developers can do a lot with raw data when it comes to machine learning. According to this article, the resulting programs lead to quicker detection of degrading electric motors and more.

Oil & Gas Industry: Stop Your Methane Leaks…Now
Most fugitive emissions in the Oil & Gas sector come from “super emitters.” That means elimination of a few large methane leaks can can have a big, short-term, but very important impact.

Rethink Your ‘View’ Of Maintenance Inspections
Still in the dark on some important equipment inspections at your site? A variety of advanced, yet rather inexpensive, technologies are helping users see plant machinery in a whole new light.