High-Performance NEMA 4X AC Drives
AutomationDirect’s IronHorse-brand stable now includes new lineup of NEMA 4X ACN/ACNND series drives.

Youth Questions: Who Wants Factory Work?
Savvy manufacturers know that going forward they’ll need increasingly reliable equipment and processes and skilled, motivated workers to manage and run them. It’s time to highlight that news where it counts.

Lagging Indicators For Asset Management: MTBF/MTTF (Mean Time Between/To Failure), Part 2
Delving deep into MTBF/MTTF, this conclusion of a two-part article aims to help users improve the metric’s ability to support decisions that drive asset reliability up and cost of ownership down.

How To FIND A Job: Communicate Effectively
It’s been said if we use wrong language long enough, it will be perceived as right. The author explains, in no uncertain terms, how and why RAM pros should avoid falling into that trap.

Leaks, Shakes And Not-So-Hot Alignments: Another Root Cause Story
While it’s set in an electrical-power facility, this story highlights an approach to a problem, investigation, and conclusions that’s applicable in other operations. It’s all about going above and beyond.

Part III: Machine Learning (ML) With Raw Electric Motor Data
This series installment begins the how-to discussion of an ML project. The focus here is on producing data that can be used to train algorithms. The author also offers some sample code.

Who Is Responsible For Equipment Reliability?
The key to reliable machine life cycles in plants and facilities is to mine past repair data to understand the typical failures, how often they occur, and their root causes. It’s a group effort.

RCM Strategies For The Unfolding Market Recovery
With industries and economies on the road to recovery from COVID restraints, savvy reliability-focused asset managers have been buckling up for a wild ride. This article lists ways to ease the trip.

Future Work Cultures In Manufacturing
Virtual or flexible-work arrangements may be appropriate for workers in front offices, but not so much for those out on the factory floor. This article looks at problems and solutions.

Part II: Machine Learning (ML) With Raw Electric Motor Data
In this follow-up to a recent article regarding machine-learning concepts, the discussion focuses on some early decisions and steps involved in the start of a machine-learning project.