Successful Interfacing Ensures Uptime Goals Are Met
Reliability and the meeting of uptime goals don’t just happen. Desired plant-project outcomes depend on specific up-front activities and interactions between owner-operator representatives and contractors.

Assessing Criticality For Maintenance Purposes
Assets must be regularly assessed for criticality as operations change and improve. When it comes to maintenance of plant assets, understanding criticality is crucial to effective planning and scheduling.

Part VII: Machine Learning (ML) With Raw Electric Motor Data
This article wraps up a series that has walked readers through development of a simple machine-learning tool. The last step is to convert the tool into code that allows compilation of truly useful data.

Advanced Mining Technology Portfolio Rolls Out
ABB launches game-changing Ability eMine to fast-track the industry’s transition to all-electric mines.

Survey Of U.S Manufacturers Points To Growth, But…
While NAM’s recent survey findings look rosy, challenges loom. These include equipping technicians with skills to troubleshoot, maintain, and repair new generations of manufacturing technologies.

Lagging Metrics For Asset Management: OEE’s First Element (Availability, Part 1)
OEE’s “Availability” component may seem straightforward. Or maybe not. And failure to accurately trend it over time can prevent organizations from striving for excellence and improvement.

‘Run It Like A Religion’
Industrial-revolution-era RAM pros had no backup systems when it came to the quest for reliable assets. They simply adhered to sound processes, procedures, cleanliness, and principles of lubrication.

Part VI: Machine Learning (ML) With Raw Electric Motor Data
The purpose of this article series is to provide details on how ML works. Here, the focus is on the concept behind Remaining Useful Life (RUL), also known as Time to Failure Estimation (TTFE).

Reliable Plants Aren’t Afterthoughts
This article is a short follow-up to the author’s Sept. 5, 2021, discussion. It describes a best-practice approach that’s closely related to pre-purchase reviews and reliability audits of plant equipment.

Mentor STEM Education In Our Schools And Help Grow A Sustainable Skilled Workforce
It’s a sad situation: Career educators and administrators often have a difficult time grasping the real-world-career implications of STEM programs. RAM pros can help out in a big way.