Unexpected Vibrational Sources: Beware
When attempting to identify causes of vibration in plant equipment, it may pay to look beyond the usual suspects. If not recognized, some less-common sources of apparent unbalance can be quite vexing.

New Year, New World, New Best Practice
A pandemic, natural disasters, workforce disruptions, and supply-chain woes have forced many businesses to change how they operate. For some, that’s led to multiple asset-management changes. What’s next?

Reliability Improvements And Data: 7 Critical Success Factors
Data used to chart a path for reliability improvement and measure progress is essential for business success. Keys to that success include asking “the right questions” and using “the right data.”

Look To FRETT For Ease Of Troubleshooting
Mechanical components can only fail due to Force, Reactive Environment, Time, or Temperature. Here, the author revisits failure-analysis and -avoidance strategies that have been used for decades.

Detecting Insulation Degradation With Electrical And Motor Signature Analyses (ESA & MCSA)
Although the terms ESA and MCSA have sometimes been used interchangeably, there are important differences in how the in-depth analyses of these two methods deal with voltage and current.

Fuel Reliability Improvement With The Right Data
Considered a four-letter word in some places, data has a dark side. When organizations awash in data begin using and making the “right” type actionable and capable of delivering benefits, the bright side emerges.

Tapping Into An Often Forgotten Resource
As time marches on, highly valuable knowledge and perspective are walking out the doors of industrial operations. Take time to actively seek out and mine this wealth of information before it’s lost forever.

Unreliability & Its Connection To The Bhopal Disaster
Unswerving focus, early remedial action, and zero tolerance for unexplained repeat failures of rotating machinery are the most valuable safeguards against potentially devastating sequences of events.

Part V, The Possibilities of Probability: Example Of Non-Linear Failure Curves And RUL
While not necessarily easy, there’s more than one way to determine the potential life of a machine. This series conclusion looks at potential life of insulation on a motor at constant speed and load.

EPC Project Engineering: Risk Management Is Often The Weakest Link
Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) projects are especially challenging. No wonder they don’t always come in on time and budget. This article highlights successful EPC strategies.