Income-Statement Basics For Asset Managers
An income statement reveals a number of important things about an enterprise. It is, quite literally, a company’s Bottom Line and something that Asset-Management Professionals significantly influence.

‘Free’ Sometimes Comes At A Cost
Beware. Many things are just too good to be true, including some of today’s “free” training opportunities. According to this columnist, though, one thing’s for sure: You’ll almost always get what you pay for.

Question: Is Your Lube-Oil Clean?
FYI: Depending on the original source, mode of transport, and chain of custody, an estimated 50% to 60% of lubricants do not meet the buyer’s specifications or the cleanliness claims made by lube providers. Yikes.

Unbalance’s Impact On Motor Losses And Emissions
Losses from unbalance increase exponentially. Requiring a standard of ISO 1940 G1.0 increases bearing life by at least a factor of 10, as it relates to unbalance, and also reduces energy and carbon footprint.

Simple Remote Analysis Can Help Identify Risk Early
How can a forced remote-work situation present itself as an opportunity rather than a setback for reliability, asset, and maintenance engineers? Some simple tools for reliability modeling will work wonders.

Reliability Improvement Targets: Looking For Production Bottlenecks
In the hunt for top-priority bottlenecks, it’s important to check the flow within the process, as well as upstream and downstream processes. Access to accurate and reliable data is crucial.

Designing Better Pump-Bearing Housings
Countless process pumps could benefit from improved lubricant delivery and better bearing housings. Sadly, some U.S. users (and manufacturers) still follow a “one size fits all” approach.

Reliability And Maintenance Are Expenses
It’s time to accept that physical-asset management is an expense. In the financial world, debit, credit, and expense mean very different things than those in the RAM arena may think.

Successful Leadership In The Post-Modern Era
How are those in leadership positions supposed to “lead” in a world gone amuck in individualism? To be a successful leader these days is to place the needs of others above himself/herself.

Reliability Improvement Is Free, Isn’t It?
Reliability is much like quality. Success in both requires doing “it” right the first time, every time, and strong management commitment. Moreover, improvements in either area pay for themselves.