Developing Problem-Solving Workplaces
How about this new normal we’re in? It’s not just COVID-19 that’s been challenging traditional ways of running plants and facilities, though. Other situations are also accelerating demand for systematic problem solving.

Educating Managers: When, Where, How
Professional knowledge comes from pertinent education. For true professionals, acquiring this education as adults requires reading. Motivating employees to read should be something for which good managers get credit.

Get Gatekeeping Right For Maintenance Work Prioritization
According to the author, whether the work involves routine maintenance or is shutdown/turnaround/outage (STO)-related, effective gatekeeping is essential to success. This article explains how to handle the process.

A Timeless And Most Effective Maintenance Strategy
It’s been said that everything old is new again. The simple, universal, inexpensive, easy-to-implement strategy describe here can substantially increase equipment reliability. And it’s been available to industry for ages.

Concepts In Machine Learning (ML) With Electrical Signature Analysis (Part I)
“Machine learning” is one of the hottest topics in industry these days. But with regard to electrical-system testing and predictive and preventive maintenance, RAM pros need to understand what the term really means.

Sharing ‘Trade Secrets’
The “trade secrets” referenced here have come from several sources. Some are based on use of our primary senses. That includes “common” sense, which may not be commonly used. Care to share some of your own?

Advanced Redundant Control For Emergency Shutdown Situations
Enerson’s ARCS safety system with individual valve isolation allows online maintenance without process interruption.

Removing A ‘Fourth Battery’
It’s no laughing matter. Countless indifferent, superficial non-thinkers walk among us. And, as the author notes, some of them may be making decisions about plant and equipment reliability and maintenance issues in today’s plants.

Electrical Signature Analysis And A Wind Turbine Generator Bearing
Projecting component failures in wind-power generators and drivetrains is, clearly, a tall order. Evaluating components with technology that offers a view of the whole system as opposed to taking a point-testing approach simplifies things.

Detailed Maintenance Work Instructions (Part III): Procedure Writing
This article looks deep into the finer elements of these types of work instructions: procedure statements, their sequencing, and eventual deployment. All are essential in assuring task-performance efficiency and effectiveness.