Lube-System Tune-Ups: Time Well Spent
Lubrication systems are often considered integral components belonging to host machines. It’s time to begin treating them as assets unto themselves and provide the specialized attention they deserve.

Get Serious: Who Needs Work Orders?
In maintenance operations, documentation is power. Without work-order history, the maintenance organization is at risk and equipment problems can worsen. This “paperwork’ benefits everybody and everything involved.

Remote Monitoring For Any Flow-Control Equipment
Flowserve’s newly launched RedRaven service offering is taking fluid-motion IoT to new heights.

Regarding Industry Standards For Plant Equipment
Well-written standards improve equipment uniformity and quality. RAM pros, in turn, should be making good use of them. The author points to those published by NEMA as a prime example of such standards.

Reducing Industrial Climate Impacts: Manage Parasitic Frictional Losses (Part I)
In light of their roles and responsibilities, today’s RAM professionals can be key players in overcoming the challenges of climate change. In this regard, “thinking local and acting global” is more important than ever.

Three Little Words: ‘Made In China’
The U.S. knows how to compete successfully in almost any market in the world today and has the strengths to do it. So why aren’t we? It’s up to all of us, from CEOs to technicians in our plants, to help change the current dynamic.

A Human Body Analogy For Equipment Asset Management
No single element makes for a healthy human. The same holds true for healthy plant equipment. Using this analogy, the author describes all the live-body “parts” that keep a site’s money-maker systems up and running.

Treat Your Specialized Tools As Assets
An effective tool-inventory-management system can contribute significantly to maintenance efficiency at a site. Unfortunately, this best-practice strategy is often overlooked or poorly executed in today’s plants.

Concepts In Machine Learning (ML) With Electrical Signature Analysis (Part II)
In short, the concepts around ML and predictive analytics are very similar to what’s already been going on in the RAM arena. This article begins a discussion about some of the algorithms used in these types of systems.

Revisiting Pump Life Expectancy Statistics
Many pump users may not realize that the MTBF and other performance targets for their fluid-handling systems were published almost 20 years ago. Those pump and component lifetimes should be readily achievable today.