WHITEPAPER: Two Life-Hacks For A Digital Asset Management Transformation Strategy
Studies have shown that ~80% of digital transformation strategies fail to meet their objective and never scale beyond original pilots. Companies can be missing out on enormous benefits by not following through.

Are You Seeking Reliability, Yet Rewarding Failure?
Managing culture change in the area of rewards requires plant leaders to clearly understand the fundamentals of human motivation. KPIs that drive and reinforce proactive behaviors are also crucial.

Challenging The Paradigm, Finding The Value
“We’ve always done it that way” may no longer be an operable phrase in maintenance departments. The ISO 55001 Asset Management Standard has really changed the way this game is played.

Reliability & Maintenance Opportunities: (Part 3) The Benefits From A Holistic Approach
The problem with some plant surveys and audits is that their focus may be too narrow. As a result, a site’s overall systems and how they interact are often overlooked. That can be costly.

Regarding An Operator’s Role In Equipment Reliability
Skilled drivers accept the responsibility of viewing the dashboard instruments of their vehicles. Operators in today’s process plants must accept equipment surveillance as their prime responsibility.

Develop A Skills-Training & Qualification Checklist
Duty-Task lists, like the sample shown in this article, can serve as a basic checklist for training and qualifying workers for specific jobs. Such lists identify what is to be performed, not necessarily how.

Turn Thermal Imagers Into Radiometric Cameras
FLIR Systems has introduced a compact, radiometric version of its Boson thermal-imaging-camera modules.

Reliability Pros & Real-World Reliability Management
As one letter writer put it, his site’s reliability professionals were “expected to act as superman and politician,” not necessarily as actual problem solvers. Others have shared similar concerns.

Listen. Listen. Listen. Actively.
Active listening is a learned skill that facilitates sound decision-making, based on actual, unedited first-hand information. The more there is, the more effective the problem-solving.

The Physics Of Organizational Change Management: Overcoming Psychological Inertia
A body at rest will remain at rest unless an adequate force is applied to initiate movement. The same holds true when getting individuals and groups on board with transformational changes.