Part III, Field Efficiency-Testing Of Electric Motors
Additional tests discussed here provide a footprint of the condition of a site’s electric-motor fleet. They also offer a down and dirty method of acceptance testing for repaired and new motors.

Maintenance Skills Staffing? Focus On The Equipment’s Needs
Aligning the right people and their basic maintenance skills with a site’s equipment systems is a starting point for identifying specific required skill sets. It’s key in optimizing staffing levels

Part II, Field Efficiency-Testing Of Electric Motors
The capabilities and accuracy of testing technologies and methods discussed in this article can do much more than validate the efficiency of a motor in operation or support repair-versus-replace decisions.

Selecting The Right Steam Turbines When Pressed For Time
A letter from a mechanical engineer based in South America has sparked a discussion on the pros, cons, and efficacies of the various types of steam-turbine technologies in today’s marketplace.

Return On Net Assets (RONA): The Ultimate Test Of Asset Management
Although it’s a financial metric, RAM pros impact RONA performance when they boost overall equipment effectiveness (OEE); drive down asset-management costs; and reduce redundancy and MRO spares.

Implementing A World-Class ‘C2C’ Lubricant Management Program (Part 2): Consolidate & Prepare Your Storage Facility
Part 1 of this article provided a blueprint for a cradle-to-cradle lubricant-management-program approach. Here, the author gets into some best-practice specifics on one of the first things to do.

Can We Get Maintenance Staffing Levels Right?
There’s no reliable standard or formula to easily determine optimum maintenance-technician staffing at sites. Unfortunately, the inherent variability of people often gums up the calculation.

Implementing A World-Class ‘C2C’ Lubricant Management Program (Part 1): Document Your Current State
Getting the most out of your site’s lubricants calls for sound “cradle-to-cradle” management. That, in turn, calls fo a strong understanding, of a lubricant’s needs and end-user-machine requirements.

Word On The Street About Professional Conferences
Ir’s time. The author, like others in the RAM arena, is looking forward to the return of robust reliability- and/or maintenance-focused conferences and exhibitions. He provides important reasons why.

Part I, Field Efficiency-Testing Of Electric Motors
How to evaluate the efficiency of an electric motor in the field has been a topic of much discussion since the 1990s. Despite everybody having an opinion, this testing isn’t as simple as it sounds.