Detection Of Synchronous-Machine Rotor Faults With Online And Offline Testing
Some say synchronous machines have no slip. But they do. With rotating-field defects, a large unit under load will slip out of synchronous mode and be kicked back in, causing a signature.

Reliability Engineering Is Linked To Weighty Environmental Issues
Many parts of the earth are experiencing disasters related to climate change. As the author points out, waiting to act or endlessly debating the issue are not sensible abatement strategies.

Lean Manufacturing: Where To Begin?
Lean Equipment Management (LEM) for the most critical, most penalizing equipment-driven processes in a plant is a worthy goal. Achieving it begins with (demands) a business-focused approach.

Part 2: Strategies For Short-Term Equipment Storage Preservation
This second part of an excerpt from the author’s latest book continues his discussion about various storage-preservation issues, including how they’re referenced in industry standards.

Managing Combustion Efficiency Saves Money And Reduces GHG Emissions
Combustion of chemically stored fuels, i.e., natural gas, coal, petroleum, fuel oil, etc., is costly for most industrial sites. It’s also a primary source of Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions.

Case In Point: What Happens To A Large Electric Motor When It Sits Idle For Two Years?
The pumping system discussed here wasn’t just located at a remote site, it had not run for a considerable length of time. Motor testing was performed to identify any residual problems.

Is Lean Manufacturing Dead? Surely Not.
Yes, “lean” is a four-letter word in some plants. Still, our columnist notes, there’s hope for it based on decades-long, ongoing successes where the common sense of lean manufacturing is common practice.

Part 1: Strategies For Short-Term Equipment Storage Preservation
Machines can be sitting idle at a new site for months when construction progress slows. Keep in mind that on-site storage protection needed for 3 to 12 months requires a PM program.

How Accurate Is IoT-Based CBM?
There are some excellent IoT-based condition-based-maintenance systems designed by experts in such systems. Alas, lots of “textbook” systems are offered by sources with little to no experience.

Career Development Plans: They’re Now More Important Than Ever
Reliability-related skill sets impact plant operations. Yet, while trainable, they require more than training. In fact, given today’s workforce woes, employee development must go far beyond mere training.